Certification & Standardization Week: SolarHub Engages European Stakeholders in Athens

October 26, 2023
SOLARHUB participated in the Certification and Standardization week from 24-26 October 2023 where 35th Solar Keymark Network
meeting, 25th CEN /TC 312 "Thermal solar systems and components" meeting and 13th Global Solar Certification Network that
took place in Athens. SolarHub partners from SHE, CRES and SAMMLER joined the meetings and showcased the SolarHub project.
A dedicated rollup for Athens solar thermal hub was designed for this scope. More than 30 participants from research, academia,
solar thermal industries, certification bodies, solar thermal testing laboratories and industries joined the meetings physically
and additionally 20 in virtual mode. This was an excellent opportunity to discuss the objectives of solar thermal pre design and
to disseminate the project in European and International level.
IDI, designed a roll-up to support Solarhub partners to disseminate the Project tailored to their tasks.
GÜNAM one-to-one discussion for discussed SolarHub as a foundation for future collaborations, 13-14-15 November 2023.
• 13 Nov. 2023: Ridha HARZALLAH Ph.D., R&D Coordinator, John Cockerill Renewables, Seraing, BE
• 14 Nov. 2023: Begüm Guse, RWTH Aachen Innovation Center, Aachen, DE
• 15 Nov. 2023: Inst. of Power Plant Technology, Steam & Gas Turbines at RWTH Aachen, Aachen, DE
SolarHub Explores Innovative Agri PV at BriteSolar Facilities in Thessaloniki

June 22, 2023
On June 22, SolarHub's institutional partners attended a field trip to explore the innovative solar technologies being developed
by BriteSolar and CERT.
At BriteSolar, the highlight was a visit to their pilot greenhouse, innovatively equipped with Solar Glass,
located in the vineyard of Tsantali S.A. The tour showcased a transparent setup that integrates solar energy into agriculture. This
setup, connecting to the grid, vineyard, and greenhouse, demonstrated a novel approach to using solar technology in traditional farming practices.
The group engaged in discussions about the impact of solar exposure on grape acidity, delving into how this affects the overall quality of the produce.
This intersection of renewable energy and viticulture highlighted the potential of solar technology to enhance agricultural methods without disrupting
nature. This exploration aligns with SolarHub's commitment to pushing the boundaries of solar energy applications. The visit concluded with plans for
future initiatives, including measuring the carbon footprint of cultivation under this new system, reflecting SolarHub's dedication to innovation and
environmental sustainability.
Kick of Meeting was held on 23 January 2023 in Istanbul, Türkiye

January 23, 2023
The Kick-Off Meeting of the SolarHub project under the coordination of ODTÜ-GÜNAM was held at the Süleyman Demirel Cultural Center of İstanbul Technical University on January 23, 2023, in the Call for Excellence Hubs, the field of Horizon Europe Program – Expanding Participation and Strengthening ERA.
Renewable Energy Collaboration: CERTH, ELECTRA, CRES Lead Discussions at Athens Gathering

May 10, 2023
SolarHub supported and participated in the From May 8th to 10th, 2023,
the "Community Energy Spring Gathering" was held in Athens, drawing experts and enthusiasts from across Europe. SolarHub played a vital
role, both supporting and actively participating in this workshop hosted at the Impact Hub. The event, organized by the European Federation
of citizen energy cooperatives, along with Electra Energy Cooperative, became a hub of innovative discussions and collaborative
SolarHub representatives from CERTH and ELECTRA and CRES stepped into the gathering as a trainer, leading a workshop on the
promising concept of agri-photovoltaics, which marries solar energy production with agricultural practices. This session was co-facilitated by
the Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (CRES) and Electra Energy Cooperative, offering a stage for sharing knowledge and sparking
innovation in renewable energy.
The Community Energy Spring Gathering aimed to serve as a stepping stone for people seeking to actively
participate in the democratic energy transition. In the coming months and years, we anticipate witnessing participants joining, initiating or
supporting energy cooperatives within their neighbourhoods and local communities1. In addition to the workshop, enlightening attendees about their
solar pre-designs and the broader objectives of their project. The gathering also provided a golden opportunity for networking among EU energy
communities and various energy projects. This was made possible with the backing of key project beneficiaries such as the Centre for Research &
Technology Hellas (CERTH), CRES, Electra Energy Cooperative, and Brite Solar.
The event was not just a conference but a celebration of
collective efforts toward a sustainable future in the renewable energy sector. It exemplified the strength of community collaboration in driving
significant environmental change. SolarHub expressed profound pride in being part of the event and gratitude to and Electra Energy Cooperative
for orchestrating such an impactful assembly.
ODTÜ-GÜNAM Highlights Project Progress at Coordinators' Day

March 29, 2023
On March 23, TÜBİTAK and IDI organized a National Advisory Group Meeting at TÜBİTAK Headquarters with the participation of 120 researchers. By inviting Horizon Europe project coordinators from Türkiye, 29 project representative presented their projects. The aim was to create synergies among projects and supporting projects’ dissemination. Coordinators or representatives exhibit their scope, problems they have encountered, their progress and success. In this meeting Hande Eryılmaz, ODTÜ-GÜNAM delivered a presentation for SolarHub at the Horizon Projects Coordinators’ Day. This was a great opportunity to showcase the work SolarHub is doing, especially at a time when there is a lot of focus on communicating the implementation of projects.
Events & Updates

RHODES 2024 Submission Deadline Extended.!
January 15, 2023
RHODES 2024 11th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management
Rhodes, Greece, 19- 22 JUNE 2024
The 11th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management, which will be held in Rhodes, Greece, from
June 19-22, 2024, has extended its abstract submission deadline to February 29.
Organized by the National Technical University
of Athens, this conference focuses on sustainable solid waste management, promoting safe practices and effective technologies.
A key feature of the conference is a special topic on "Solar technologies to enable and encompass," supported by the SolarHub
project. For comprehensive details and further updates, please visit the conference's official website.
SolarHub's Site Visit to Jülich Solar Towers

December 15, 2023
After the consortium presentations were held at the SolarHub General Assembly in Jülich, DE, DLR hosted all partners at a site visit to the Jülich Solar Towers on December 15th 2023.
SolarHub Explores Partnerships at European Green Deal Gathering in Brussels

November 16, 2023
TÜBİTAK and IDI organized an International Brokerage event in Brussels to offer a unique platform to connect European researchers
for discussions and first-hand information about Horizon Europe calls, as well as a good opportunity to expand networks and form
new partnerships. With the participation of 400 people and more than 2000 one-to-one meetings , event catered to academics, businesses,
and nonprofit organizations keen on participating in Horizon Europe research and innovation projects. Participants can exhibit their
scientific and technological capabilities, interests, and ideas, forging partnerships with their European counterparts.
GÜNAM, METU CRES and CERTH participated this organization to disseminate SolarHub and have one-to-one meetings for future spin-off collaborations.
GÜNDER's Contribution to EIF Gaziantep: Uniting for Solar Energy Growth

September 22, 2023
From September 20th to 22nd, 2023, the EIF Gaziantep Energy Fair, focusing specifically on Solar Energy
and Energy Storage, took place at the Gaziantep Middle East Fair Center. Supported by the Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality,
Gaziantep Chamber of Industry, and Gaziantep Organized Industrial Zone, the fair attracted a significant attendance from various
authoritative bodies and high-level officials in the region.
Incorporating the announcement made prior to the event, the fair was described as an essential gathering for professionals and leaders
in the solar energy sector. The announcement stated: "The EIF Gaziantep Energy Fair, dedicated to Solar Energy and Energy Storage, will
be organized with the support of all the authorized staff, senior officials, board members, and presidents under the aegis of the
Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality, Gaziantep Chamber of Industry, and Gaziantep Organized Industrial Zone from September 20 to 22, 2023,
at the Gaziantep Middle East Fair Center. Key cities in the region, including Kahramanmaraş, Adıyaman, Şanlıurfa, Diyarbakır, and other
major cities, will also participate, backed by their respective Industry and Commerce Chambers and Organized Industrial Zones. This includes
factory owners, executives, purchasing units, agricultural producers, significant staff, and business owners from these areas. We look forward
to seeing you at the EIF Gaziantep Fair, at stand number A 142 of GÜNDER, to continue contributing significantly to the development of our
region and, consequently, our country."
This event highlighted the collective effort of various regions to advance in the field of renewable energy, underlining the importance of
collaboration and networking for the growth and development of the solar energy industry in Türkiye and the broader region.
CERTH Spotlights SolarHub's Innovations at 87th Thessaloniki Fair

September 17, 2023
CERTH represented SolarHub at the 87th Thessaloniki International Fair (TIF), a significant event that included a wide array
of trade and business meetings between Greek and Bulgarian enterprises. This year's fair, held from September 9 to 17, was
a platform for social responsibility.
The fair saw a substantial response from its 123,864 visitors to a call for supporting those affected by the floods in Thessaly
and the fires in Evros.
The 87th TIF featured 1,500 exhibitors, 18 international participations with Bulgaria as the Honoured Country,
representation of 382 SMEs by 49 Chambers, and 9 thematic events, making it a pivotal point in Greece’s political and economic landscape.
The event covered a wide range of topics including Greece and Entrepreneurship, Akademia, Regional Greece, Circular Economy, Gastronomy-Nutrition,
Digital Greece Startups, Public Bodies-Organisations, Cosmos-International Participations, and Furniture-Household Equipment. These themes
attracted thousands of visitors, highlighting the latest technological advancements and market trends, and reinforcing the fair's status of
innovation and commercial opportunity.
DLR's Solar Colloquium: METU Advocates for Interdisciplinary Solar Solutions

September 15, 2023
On September 15, 2023, METU (05 METU) attended the SFERA-III Summer School’s 4th Doctoral Colloquium at DLR-Cologne in Germany,
organized by the German Aerospace Center (DLR). This academic gathering, focusing on solar energy research, included a notable
presentation from SolarHub.
METU delivered a compelling talk titled 'The Role of Business Models and SSH in Helping Solar Technologies'. The presentation
emphasized the need to blend social science with engineering, showcasing SolarHub's commitment to a Quadruple Helix collaboration
model, which helps innovation and green economic growth.
This event highlighted the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration in advancing solar energy technologies and underscored
the value of integrating diverse perspectives for sustainable energy development.
SolarHub Spotlights Rural Revitalization at Plasmata Exhibition

June 29, 2023
A public event in Ioannina, as part of the "Plasmata exhibition" by Onassis Foundation held in June 29,2023. Solarhub invited to share insights on how energy communities could revitalize rural and mountainous areas. Electra Energy represented SolarHub and its pre-designs as possible applications for rural energy communities
Solarise Heat: SHE, SAM, CRES Promote Solar Thermal Tech in Athens

June 29, 2023
On July 29th, 2023, the "Solarise Heat in Greece" event, organized by SHE, took place at the Acropolis Museum in Athens. This
significant gathering aimed to highlight the benefits of solar thermal technology to a diverse audience, including policymakers,
clients, and media representatives.
The event focused on demonstrating the advantages of solar thermal energy in both small-scale and large-scale markets. Key participants
included SHE, SAM, and CRES, each contributing their expertise and insights on the topic and SolarHub. Parnerts presented SolarHub
to the audience and distributed the SolarHubs offical printed leaflets to the audience.
ODTÜ-GUNAM's Talk on SolarTwins and SolarHub: IEEE PowerTech Conference Highlights

June 28, 2023
On June 28th, at the IEEE PowerTech Conference in Belgrade, ODTÜ-GUNAM delivered a speech in a Special Session focused on the intricacies of Twinning projects in the realm of capacity building. Held at the Hotel Crowne Plaza 4, this session focused on the multifaceted nature of Twinning projects, which involve partnerships between organizations from different countries, aimed at bolstering the capabilities of the beneficiary organization. In this Special Session, GÜNAM elaborated on how they leveraged outcomes from our SolarTwins Twinning project to realize SolarHub. Approximately 25 people attended mainly from the research / academic community.
SolarHub at International Energy and Environment Fair and Conference (ICCI) with ODTÜ, ODTÜ-GÜNAM and ITÜ

May 26, 2023
On May 26th, 2023, SolarHub marked its presence at the International Energy and Environment Fair and Conference (ICCI) in İzmir.
They attended a dedicated session on solar thermal technology, which was part of a series organized by the Turkish Cogeneration
Association. The session was a significant gathering for professionals and stakeholders in the solar energy sector, and SolarHub's
participation underscored their ongoing commitment to the industry.
Izmir, identified as one of SolarHub's 'HUB' cities, has been recognized as a key influencer in the domain of solar energy and its
associated industries, providing a connection to solar power advancements. The Turkish Cogeneration Association extended an invitation
to Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi (ODTÜ) and ODTÜ-GÜNAM, as well as İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, to disseminate information about the
SolarHub Project. The opportunity was embraced during the Industrial Cogeneration with Solar Thermal Conference held on September 26th.
The event in Izmir, Türkiye, was set against the collaborative backdrop of the Izmir Chamber of Commerce, the Aegean Region Chamber of Industry,
and the Energy Industrialists & Businessmen Association. This collective effort not only facilitated the exchange of insights and advancements
within the solar thermal field but also strengthened the connections between industry leaders and academic institutions, fostering a network
poised to propel solar energy initiatives forward.
Young Leaders in Energy and Sustainability, April 21st, 2023, Athens Greece

April 21st, 2023
The Kick-Off Meeting of the SolarHub project under the coordination of ODTÜ-GÜNAM was held at the Süleyman Demirel Cultural Center of İstanbul Technical University on January 23, 2023, in the Call for Excellence Hubs, the field of Horizon Europe Program – Expanding Participation and Strengthening ERA.
GÜNAM Joins Mini-Conference on 'Solar Energy Opportunities and Activities to Drive the Clean Energy Transition and Green Economic Growth'
in SolarEx Istanbul

April 8th, 2023
On April 7th, a mini-conference titled "Solar Energy Opportunities and Activities to Drive the Clean Energy Transition and
Green Economic Growth" took place under the scope of International Solarex Istanbul Fair. The event's morning session began
at 10:30, focusing on the role of solar heat in decarbonizing industrial processes from a European perspective.
ODTÜ-GÜNAM both represented SolarHub at the fair and attended to the mini conference as speaker. The conference was noteworthy
as it concluded the stakeholder engagement for the EU H2020 SolarTwins project, initiated the same for the Horizon Europe SolarHub
and CST4ALL projects. The GeoSmart SFERA projects from H2020 provided support, emphasizing the push towards sustainable economic growth.
According to SolarEx website, 348 global solar-domain companies attended this conference with 41,425 visitors.
Energy Communities: Opportunities and Synergies,
Workshop in the Framework of the Excellence Hub “SolarHub”

March 9, 2023
As part of the SolarHub project, CERTH, in collaboration with Electra Energy, held on Thursday, March 9th, a workshop on "Energy
Communities: Opportunities and synergies', which took place at the headquarters of CERTH in Thermi, Thessaloniki. The workshop
aimed to analyse the model of Energy Communities at its institutional and functional level and identify their potential in relation
to the objectives of the SolarHub research project, creating an additional framework for building synergies.
This event was a perfect example of the quadruple helix nature of SolarHub, as a round table discussion was held with the NGO, Research,
Business and Public representations from the consortium:
Valantis Ketikidis, CERTH
Dimitris Kitsikopoulos, Enterprise Electra Energy
Nikos Kanopoulos, BRITE Solar
Konstantinos Tertivanidis, RDFCM
Stellios Theodoulides, Venus Growers
Odysseas Spyroglou, IDI
The results of the workshop, among others, were to inform the attendees about the model of the Energy Communities, as well as to widen further
synergies, creating an additional potential framework for the application of the results of the SolarHub project. The workshop was attended
in person by representatives of local government from the Municipalities of Thessaloniki, Thermi, Pavlos Melas, Lagadas, Kavala, Preveza,
development organisations for local authorities, such as the Major Development Agency Thessaloniki S.A. and Anatoliki S.A., innovative companies
such as Thema Renewable Energy, as well as representatives of relevant research projects, such as FoodScaleHub, which coordinates the Carbonica
Hub (another Excellence Hubs project) for a climate-resilient agriculture and Q-plan International, which together with CERTH participate in the BeCoop project.